Tuesday, May 22, 2012

First Day/Last Day

So, I mentioned yesterday, big sister and little brother are out of school for the year. Big sister just finished up 2nd grade. We are incredibly proud of her! She began testing in January to see if she qualifies for the gifted program at her school. We just got a letter in at the end of April saying she qualifies and will be going in for 5 hours each week starting next school year. Little brother just finished up kindergarten. It was a rough last few weeks, but we made it though. I am so proud of them both.

First Day - August 2011
Last Day - May 2012

Cloud Dough

It is officially summer break here in our little part of the south! In the beginning of May, I began scouring the web for project ideas to keep my little ones minds busy during the summer.

Over the weekend, I decided to try out a project I had actually pinned a while back. I have seen it referred to as "Cloud Dough" and "Moon Dough."


Cloud Dough


1/2 cup Baby Oil
4 cups Flour

1. Mix baby oil and flour together until combined.

2. Play!

Since I only had a small bottle of baby oil gel on hand, that is what I used. It came out perfectly. Next time, I will try regular baby oil out instead of the gel and see how that works. The "dough" itself is not really doughy, but it is rather soft. It can be molded into shapes and it seems to hold its shape rather nicely.

We started off with both older kids playing in it. 

Then, little brother decided he was more interested in playing spy. He went off on his own, reading himself a book and pretending to be a spy.

It kind of looks like sand.

Big sister is working hard on her doughman.