Monday, September 17, 2012

Memory Maker Moments-Fall Raggie Wreath

What a busy weekend this has been! The Hubs bought a new steam cleaner today. Our old one died a few months ago. It was around 7 years old. It has served us well. RIP. You'll never guess why we even had to buy the old one. It's a funny story, actually, although it wasn't so funny at the time. The Hubs was painting our living room at our old house, and instead of taking the full paint can OFF the ladder before he moved it, he moved it all at once. BIG mistake. Did I mention the paint was a beautiful Crimson Red? Yes, a full gallon of Crimson Red paint landed and splattered all over our light-colored carpet. The Hubs was furious. He figured he was now going to have to replace the carpet downstairs. Luckily, I acted quickly, and used this awesome spot carpet spray Resolve used to have. I can't remember what it was called, but Big Sister was only about 18 months old, and this spot cleaner could get ANYTHING out of the carpet. I miss it, and haven't been able to find anything that works quite that well since. Anyway, I got to work, and when The Hubs saw the paint coming out, he ran out to Wally World and picked up a steam cleaner. We had coincidentally been looking at steam cleaners that weekend as well, but chose to wait to see what else we could find. When The Hubs got home, he got to work as fast as he could, and was able to get every single drop of the paint up from the carpet. Disaster averted. So, here we are now +2 more kids, 2 dogs and a cat. We can't live without a steam cleaner! The Hubs spent the early afternoon cleaning the carpet in our room and the hallway.

While The Hubs was working on his project, the kids and I began on our 2nd Memory Maker Moment project. Big Brother had drawn "Make a Raggie Wreath" from our activity/outing cup. Now, this project is pretty straight forward. You cut (or rip) your fabric into 1" wide strips, approximately 7" long. You tie them into a knot on a wire wreath (I found mine at Hobby Lobby for about 3 bucks.) I cut our strips, and Big Brother and Big Sister separated them to make sure there were equal amounts in our 3 bowls. The kids had to count a couple times, to make sure things were equal, but it kept them all busy while I finished cutting the strips. I ended up with approximately 2-2.5 yards of fabric, and that was enough to fill 3 of the 4 circles on the wire wreath. I am not sure how much extra we would have needed to fill the last circle, perhaps another 1/2 yard? Ours looked full enough without the last ring filled.

While Big Brother and Big Sister sorted the strips, Baby Sister was taking notes on the play keyboard....with her feet, but she's cute, so she can get away with it. lol

Here is our set up before we began to tie our strips. 

When we got started, I didn't realize it would be a little difficult for Big Brother to tie knots. He at least tried, before he moved on to another activity. He doesn't much like having his picture taken when he's frustrated. ;) Big Sister was awesome at tying knots, and actually did quite a bit of the wreath herself. When we started our wreath, I wasn't sure we'd have enough fabric, so I ended up doing the outside first, then skipped a circle, and did the 3rd circle. When I realized we'd have enough to do another circle, I took over, and did the circle between our completed circles. It took an hour or so to get everything tied.

Here is our beautiful, completed wreath! 

Happy {almost} Fall! 

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